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    Publication Details

    Juwelier Wagner Gesellschaft m.b.H
    Kärntner Strasse 32, 1010 Vienna
    Tel +43 1 5120 512
    Fax +43 1 5120 512-77

    Commercial Register no. FN 76862H, Vienna Commercial Court
    UID: ATU 14980207
    DVR NR: 0697320

    Erste Bank IBAN: AT29 2011 1000 0106 8970 BIC: GIBAATWWXXX


    The entire contents (graphics, design, text) of the website pages of www.juwelier-wagner.at are provided exclusively for the personal information of customers of Juwelier Wagner, Vienna. The use thereof is at the user’s own risk. No liability is accepted in respect of the utilisation of the service or its non-availability. This applies also in respect of consequential damage. The contents of the website may be copied and printed out for personal use. Any public reproduction other than for the customer’s personal use requires the written agreement of Juwelier Wagner. In the event of non-observance, this is in excess of normal use and represents an infringement of copyright which may lead to criminal prosecution and the obligation to pay compensation for damages.
